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Tyson vs Roy Live Stream

 Mike Tyson versus Roy Jones Jr. Live Streaming Online LUCA BRUNO/Associated Press More than two months after it was initially booked, two of boxing's greatest legends will re-visitation of the ring Saturday in a show coordinate comprised of eight two-minute rounds.  Mike Tyson, who posted 50 heavyweight wins in a lifelong that finished in 2005, concurred in July to battle Roy Jones Jr., who won titles at middleweight, super middleweight, light heavyweight and heavyweight prior to resigning with a 66-9 record in 2018.The pair never met in the ring during their brightened professions, so Saturday's matchup will be one to watch.  Most recent Odds (by means of Bovada)  Top pick: Mike Tyson (- 200)  Dark horse: Roy Jones Jr. (+160)  Absolute Rounds: Over 7.5 (+155); Under 7.5 (- 190)  Technique for Victory Mike Tyson through KO, TKO, DQ (- 150); Roy Jones Jr. by means of KO, TKO, DQ (+450) Mike Tyson through choice/specialized choice (+400); Roy Jones Jr. by means of choice/special